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They are information to find out if I can spot trends. Yes, I'm that weird.
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Click Here to take Charity Quiz
Click Here to take Love/WarQuiz
Click Here to take Cleaner Quiz
I lied about the order.
Why I wanted this info
Charity - to assist in a fundraising effort for the Salvation Army
Love/War - I am secretly addicted to the tv show Cheaters, and I was curious to know if statistically there was a period in the relationship where they would be 'most vulnerable' to such.
Cleaner - P&G research.
I'll share the results once you give me some more to share.
Understanding the Iceberg Model & Political Analysis
- Websites/Adobe Files
- Published Non-Fiction works available at NetLibrary
- My Duece.
Unpublished Study/University of Texas (1978)
Another approach on the Iceberg Model, this time in a business value-added scenario
Interesting study on chemical dependency and substance abuse. Iceberg Model is also used and shown.
The books listed below can be viewed for free at NetLibrary. IUPUI students/faculty/staff and Marion County Public Library cardholders can access it at NO charge.
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Libary visit = imcpl.org (Indianapolis Marion County Public Library)
The Primal Wound: A Transpersonal View of Trauma, Addiction, and GrowthSUNY Series in the Philosophy of Psychology
by Firman, John.; Gila, Ann.
Publication: Albany, NY State University of New York Press, 1997.
Indeed, the diagram above is quite similar to the ''iceberg model'' developed by a major thinker in the recovery movement, Charles Whitfield (1991). Whitfield's model points to dysfunction in family and society as the root cause of human wounding, but this wounding is submerged deeply in the unconscious in the same way an iceberg is submerged in water.
The Manager's Guide to Rewards: What You Need to Know to Get the Best For--and From--your Employees
by Jensen, Doug.; McMullen, Tom; Stark, Mel
Publication: New York AMACOM Books, 2007.
Competencies can be demonstrated through behavior and reasoning. COMPETENCY ‘‘ICEBERG’’ MODEL ence of threshold capabilities.
Emotional Logic and Decision Making: The Interface between Professional Upheaval and Personal Evolution
by Bourion, Christian.
Publication: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
In the confirmatory approach, the researcher establishes his model, beginning with the intuition coming from his own osmosis with his domain, then subjects his model to verification ex post. One way is by using open-ended interviews, being careful to center these interviews on the visible part of the iceberg (behavior), asking the subjects to begin by describing those series of events experienced in situations and only afterwards refocusing the interview on the feelings felt.
An Adult Child's Guide to What Is Normal
by Friel, John C.; Friel, Linda D.
Publication: Deerfield Beach, Fla. Health Communications, Inc., 1990.
The model is simple and we believe it is powerful because of that. This "Iceberg Model" Of Co-dependency/Adult Child Issues is shown in Figure 3.1.
My two cents on the Iceberg Model. This template/central argument's true purpose is to ensure you ask yourself all the right questions.
Regardless of the approach taken, or industry applied - a central theme remains constant:
A much larger amount/number of factors attribute to the much smaller factors that are easier to see/visible/transparent in some cases.
To get to the core, the base of the argument - you must answer (and I mean really answer) Why?
Let's use it in a Political context.
Chip traditionally votes Republican.
Because Chip is a social conservative. Chip has strong feelings against abortion and other cultural issues such as gay marriage.
Because Chip is a practicing Catholic. Catholics are traditionally known for their strong pro-life stance and equal refusal of recognizing a gay union.
Because Chip's parents made/took Chip to Catholic Church, and Chip Sr. conveyed to Chip the severity of Chip's responsibility to ensure he doesn't 'court' some Miss too far (If ya know what I mean).
Notice my intentional attempt to avoid generic/subjective terms.
Instead I have established exact links.
In theory one could now say: Chip is a Republican because his parents took him to Catholic Church, and his Father conveyed a strong sense of moral responsibility".
Hip is a Democrat
Hip has a strong focus on envirnomental issues.
Hip has a strong focus on water purification/conservation efforts.
Hip grew up in a very rural area, still mostly farm land. Hip saw first hand the toxic waste NON-HOOSIER INC. was dumping into the same river that the surrounding wildlife/eco-system supported. The effects were catastrophic, let alone to witness such in the 'developing years'.
Using the Iceberg - we can Hip is a Democrat because of her first hand accounts of waste disposal and it's negative effects.
Why is it good to know?
If you know the why you can defuse any of the defense layers above. You can focus on effective communication to the needs they want addressed.
Also, it should provide a better understanding of why Politics/Opinions are never a matter of right or wrong. It is merely our perspectives, our attitudes, our perceptions towards the events around us.
Food for thought?
If you had a cup of coffee sitting 'there' for several hours and you mistakenly took a drink?
What temperature would you define that as? (generic term)
Now if you had a Coke can that too was left for several hours (originally cold/vending machine) and you took a drink you would describe it how?
How can a cup of coffee be cold and a coke be warm/hot in the same room? It's all about our perception.
I welcome any feedback/thoughts/additional resources & publications.